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Fine Arts


This course concentrates on the elements of art, which is the foundation for all artwork. Due to the variation of time, Two and Three dimensional art projects should be introduced according to the length of course. Required art vocabulary, reading and writing assignments are included in the course w ork. The five components in the California State Visual and Performing Arts Framework are addressed. A portfolio is developed and a number of art-related
careers are discussed.

GOALS: The course is intended to meet the following student needs:

  • Develop and expand aesthetic perception. (Aesthetic Perception)
  • Develop and expand visual arts knowledge and skills to express ideas imaginatively. (Creative Expression)
  • Acquire knowledge of historical and cultural developments, w hich occur as a resultof varying needs and aesthetic points of view. (Historical and Cultural Context)
  • Develop a base for making informed aesthetic judgements. (Aesthetic valuing)
  • Develop a common core of knowledge that transcends subject areas. (Connections, Relations & Application)


Band is a course for students who may or may not have had some previous experience in playing a wind or percussion instrument, but are not yet prepared for the performance level Band. Based on the California Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards in Music, the emphasis in this course is on the development of individual technique, musicianship, and music reading and writing skills, as well as the development of personal practice habits and performance etiquette. In order to prepare the student to progress to one of the more advanced classes, students will learn to sight-read accurately and expressively, analyze simple forms of music as musical elements, techniques and the use of form. They perform by themselves and in ensembles band literature accurately and artistically.

Students may perform at special school events such as assemblies, concerts, and festivals. Rehearsals and performances outside of class time are required.


Students will study musicians and historical aspects and music developed in various cultures and time periods.


Students will develop the mental and physical skills necessary to play beginning level music. They will demonstrate knowledge of basic rhythms and be able to produce a quality sound on their instrument while making independent musical decisions.


This group consists of the more musically mature wind and percussion musicians. The advanced band performs more challenging level music and works on sharpening skills acquired in beginning band. The advanced band performs four concerts during the school year and other concerts may be added with appropriate notification.