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6th Grade - Ancient World History

The 6th grade year is a study of ancient world history and geography. Students study the development of world civilizations in the Eastern Hemisphere, beginning with Early Humankind and the Neolithic Revolution through the development of the first major civilizations. All units include an examination of the impact of economics, politics, and social history on the developing world. The five themes of geography (location, movement, region, place, and human-environmental interaction) are woven into all the units, with emphasis on how geography affected the development of these civilizations. Students will learn about related careers in history/social science.


6th Grade - Ancient World History

The 6th grade year is a study of ancient world history and geography. Students study the development of world civilizations in the Eastern Hemisphere, beginning with Early Humankind and the Neolithic Revolution through the development of the first major civilizations. All units include an examination of the impact of economics, politics, and social history on the developing world. The five themes of geography (location, movement, region, place, and human-environmental interaction) are woven into all the units, with emphasis on how geography affected the development of these civilizations. Students will learn about related careers in history/social science.


8th Grade - U.S. History: Growth and Conflict

The 8th grade year is a study of the critical events, issues, and individuals in United States History to 1880. It begins with a selective review of the Age of Exploration, the colonial period and the American Revolution. The major focus of the year is the development of the Constitution, the impact of the Westward Movement, and the struggles of the Civil War and Reconstruction. All units include an examination of the impact of economics, politics, and social history on the development of the United States. The five themes of geography (location, movement, region, place, and human-environmental interaction) are woven into all the units, with emphasis on how geography affected the development of the growing nation. Students will learn about related careers in history/social science. They will also complete their high school program and class selections as part of this course.


World Geography is the study of the world’s peoples, places, and environments, with a focus on world regions. Particular emphasis is placed on students’ understanding and applying geographic concepts and skills to their daily lives.


Introduction to Economics

This is a basic introductory course on the workings of our national economy. Emphasis will be placed on banking, trade and the government's role in the economy. Basic concepts such as profit and loss, risk vs. reward, assets and liabilities, taxation, and debt will be emphasized. Students will gain life-long skills to meet the challenges of a global society in which they will hold jobs, pay taxes, support families, create enterprises and uphold their civic duties.


Students are in an accelerated course and are designated at the Core/Extended level according to guidelines in the California History/Social Studies Framework. GATE identified students are also enrolled in this course. As a prerequisite, students must have scored proficient or advanced on the California Standards Test.


The California State Board of Education has identified the following performance levels for the California Standards Test (CST) in
U.S. History.
