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The English/Language Arts program for grade 6 is balanced and comprehensive. The language arts processes of reading, writing, listening, and speaking are taught in an integrated and inter-related manner. Course components include the study of rich and varied literature; writing in the genres of narrative, persuasive, expository, and response to literature, direct instruction in language arts skills and strategies, including vocabulary development, spelling, and grammar; a balance of oral and written language activities; and on-going diagnosis and assessment.



Students understand how to write and simplify expressions using number properties.  They review the use of exponents and begin to use logical arguments and justify steps in solving equations.  They learn to use rational numbers and their operations including taking the absolute value and taking the opposite.  They solve multi-step word problems by translating them into linear equations.  They use the addition and multiplication properties of inequality to solve linear inequalities.  They learn about real numbers including square roots and cube roots.


Algebra 1 (7-8)

This course is an introduction to the language and applications of algebra, including development of the real number system, variables, mathematical expressions, linear equations, problem solving, inequalities, polynomials, special products and factoring, graphs, relations and functions, quadratic equations, rational and radical expressions, and basic statistics and probability.  Students receiving a grade of C or better will be permitted to enroll in Geometry.  



This course is designed for students who would like to further develop mathematical reasoning and critical thinking. The topics that will be covered include: the study of definitions, postulates and theorems as they are used in proofs; deductive and inductive reasoning; the study of triangles, quadrilaterals, circles and polygons; and area, volume, perimeter, trigonometry, and problem-solving. Algebra skills will be reinforced. A scientific calculator is recommended. Credits may be used toward the math graduation requirement. Prerequisite: TBD


Students are in an accelerated course and are designated at the Core/Extended level according to guidelines in the California Mathematics Framework. GATE identified students are also enrolled in this course. As a prerequisite, students must have scored proficient or advanced on the California Standards Test.


Advance to Algebra is an elective that prepares advanced level sixth graders for Algebra in the seventh grade.  The curriculum covers the key standards for Math 6 and explores the depth and complexity required for the highest achievement in Math 6.  This course is directly related to Math 6 standards and is ideal for the gifted math student. This is not an Algebra or Pre-Algebra course. (Course Credit = 2.0)


Intervention classes are designed to be targeted to specific student needs. As such, there is no set curriculum or pacing guides for these classes. Lessons and activities should be designed around student needs and will address specific concepts where students need additional support. The class should not simply “lag” the core math classes, nor should the class “preview” the concepts taught in these classes. Students should be given the opportunity to develop conceptual knowledge using hands-on learning and teachers should teach the concepts differently than in the core classes. Additionally, students should be given ample opportunity to practice both new concepts and basic math skills. Programs such as Accelerated Math offer a structured practice program.

Students must have mobility both in and out of intervention classes. It is recommended that teachers and administrators enable students to move in or out of the intervention classes at the end of each academic quarter. The final week of each quarter can be used for assessment, reflection, and determination of placement for the next quarter.


The California State Board of Education has identified the following performance levels for the California Content Standards Test in Mathematics.
