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The Walton Way

Walton Discipline Rules, Regulations, & Policies
Children must learn to develop self-discipline to further their learning.

Teachers are to discuss with their students the importance of, and need for, good behavior and a positive attitude while at school.  Please emphasize that fighting, disrespecting others, using obscene language, or destroying school property will not be tolerated.  Students who continually break school rules will be sent to the office and handled in accordance with school and district policies.

Students are expected to:

  • Arrive to school on time

  • Remain on campus throughout the school day

  • Attend all classes

  • Wear the District approved school uniform daily

  • Wear ID while at school

  • Place all garbage in the garbage can

  • Take care of school property

  • Behave honestly and ethically

  • Refrain from fighting, inciting fights, or behavior that disrupts school activities.

  • Respect the rights of every student and adult

  • Act respectfully; no bullying