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Student attendance is required by California State Law.  A child must attend school regularly in order to make normal academic progress.  In the event of absence, a note giving the date and reason for the absence must be sent with the student on the day he/she returns to school.  If you are aware that your child will be absent from school for more than one day, please call the office at 310-898-6060.

It is the student’s responsibility to report to the Attendance Office before attending class.  If we do not hear from a student's parent by the third day of absence, we will report the student's name to the District's Child Welfare and Attendance Office.  Someone from that office will visit the student's home to find out the reason(s) for the student’s absence(s) from school.

It is ILLEGAL for a child to be absent for the following reasons:

  • Assisting with baby-sitting.
  • Doing housework.
  • Running errands.
  • Helping to care for others in the family.
  • Visiting or entertaining friends, relatives or other guests.
  • Lacking clothing (if in need, call the school).
  • Oversleeping.
  • Lacking clean clothes.
  • "Going to" various government agencies (social security, welfare, etc.).
  • Not wanting to come to school.
  • Working full or part-time.

Students who have unexcused absences may be denied make-up privileges. Such absences may be reflected in a student's final grade.

The following are the only absences considered excused:

  • Medical or dental appointments (parents are encouraged to make these appointments outside of school hours).  A note from the parent or doctor must be presented within 2 days of the appointment.
  • Illness of the student.
  • Quarantine of the household.
  • Court date for the student.
  • Closure of school by District officials.
  • Bereavement

Upon returning to school after being absent, a student should bring a note indicating the date of and reason for the absence. The note should include the following information:

  1. Student's name.
  2. Date of absence.
  3. Reason for absence.
  4. Signature of parent or guardian..
  5. Telephone number of parent writing the note.

A pattern of frequent absences, regardless of reason, may result in referrals to the Child Welfare and Attendance Office, the School Attendance Review Board, and/or the District Attorney's Office.


Students, who are homebound and hospitalized for extended periods of time because of prolonged illness, may be eligible for the Individualized Instruction Program. A statement from a licensed physician stating that the child cannot attend school is needed. Parents may contact the school nurse and/or attendance clerk for more information.



The school tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. If a child is not in his/her classroom by 8:00 a.m., he/she is tardy.  Each student arriving after 8:00 a.m. but before 2nd period will report to the intervention center.   Tardiness to class is a serious infraction.


We encourage you to schedule your child’s medical and dental appointments before or after school hours.  If this is not possible, and/or you must pick your child up from school prior to the regular dismissal time, please come to the school office prior to the regular dismissal time to sign the student out, and obtain a "PERMIT TO LEAVE SCHOOL GROUNDS” slip.  This slip must be presented to the teacher.  The teacher will not release a student without this slip.  Remember, this release can only be requested by those whose names are listed on the student’s enrollment form.  No one under 18 years of age will be allowed to pick up a child from school.